Are you hoping for a more peaceful postpartum period?
My philosophy is that no matter who you are or what your birth experience is, you deserve to have the option to consume your placenta in a variety of ways if you so desire. There are many ways to consume your placenta postpartum and regardless of which option you choose, I will take great care in cleaning and handling your placenta. My top priority is your health and safety, so I follow strict OSHA and food safety guidelines.
- $235 for 75-150 pills (dependent upon size of placenta)
- $200 for birth services clients
How it Works?
Placenta encapsulation is a two-part process. First your placenta will be cleaned and prepped to either be steamed in water and herbs (optional) or sliced into strips in its raw, natural form (depending on client’s preferences). Next the placenta will be dehydrated for 24 hours at 160 degrees before being ground into a powder and put in capsule form for easier consumption.
- $150 (2000 doses)
How it Works?
After being properly cleaned, a small piece of your placenta will be dissolved in alcohol. Next, the liquid will be strained and stored in a glass jar for consumption.
Benefits of the Placenta Consumption:
Once the placenta leaves your body, you lose an enormous amount of the hormones and nutrients your body stored during your pregnancy. By consuming your placenta, you can aid your body during the postpartum period by doing what nearly every mammal does after birth. The placenta gives back with the body needs after birth. By consuming your placenta, you:
- Chances of postpartum depression or common postpartum mood disorders
- Recovery period
- Postpartum hemorrhaging
- Energy
- Recovery time
- breast milk supply
- Iron levels
- overall wellness
- positive moods
Ways to use your Placenta:
- Cook with it
- Incorporate it into a smoothie (no flavor)
- Consume it in pill form
- Create a tincture with it
Are You Ready to Move Forward?
Encapsulating for you will be such an honor!
Your health and safety is our top priority. I follow strict safety protocols especially now with Covid 19. Feel free to ask any questions before or after booking.
If you are ready to move forward, it’s simple!
- Contact me
- Sign a Contract
- Pay the Retainer Fee
- We will proceed with next steps.